Karsdorf plant starts Kaline emission control project

The Opterra Plant in Karsdorf is preparing for the future. Over the next few years, beginning with the launch of an expansive emission control project, the company site in Saxony-Anhalt is to be made ready for contending with the requirements of the new 17th Federal Emission Control Ordinance (BImSchV). The aim of the conversion is to comply with or outperform the new limits prescribed by the BImSchV for dust, ammonia and nitrogen oxide, among other emissions, that are to take effect on 01.01.2019.

In a ceremony attended by Saxony-Anhalt’s Economics Minister, Prof. Dr Armin Willingmann and other political and administrative representatives, the cornerstone for the €23 million project was laid on 09.05.2018. Under the auspices of Plant Manager Berthold Perschall, Minister Willingmann, District Administrator Götz Ulrich, Dr Frank Heisterkamp, Head of Investor Relations at CRH, and Opterra Board Chairman Danilo Buscaglia all reached for a trowel at the festive ceremony. In the course of the project, the cornerstone and a traditional “time capsule” will be inserted into the foundation wall by the Merseburg-based implementing contractor Kramer Group.

The complexity of the project called for an extensive preparation phase. The main requirement was to choose a process offering both the best available technology and the highest possible level of safety in order to comply with the emission limits defined within the framework of the new ordinance. The SCR process to be employed in the future reliably satisfies those requirements. The selective catalytic reaction taking place within reduces the nitrogen oxide contents, after which the filtered kiln exhaust emissions pass through existing chimneys.

The new plant is scheduled for commissioning in connection with the 2018/2019 winter repair scope. When it enters commercial operation in the spring of 2019, it is expected to achieve emission levels situated well below the legal limits specified for 2019 and beyond.

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