Statkraft supplies wind power to cement manufacturer Opterra

Statkraft, one of the largest producers of renewable energy in Europe, has signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Opterra, one of Germany’s leading cement manufacturers, for the supply of green power from onshore wind farms.

Opterra, a subsidiary of the global CRH Group, is thus implementing an important pillar of the sustainability initiative launched in 2021. Statkraft will supply around 30 gigawatt hours of wind power annually to Opterra’s plants in Karsdorf (Saxony-Anhalt), Wössingen (Baden-Württemberg) and Sötenich (North Rhine-Westphalia) between 2022 and 2025. The wind power will be generated in four wind farms that no longer receive EEG subsidies. The PPA thus en-ables the economic continued operation of the wind farms that are no longer receiving subsidies. The volume of electricity supplied is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of around 7500 four-person households.

“The Power Purchase Agreement to supply the three cement sites with green electricity is an important step into the future of our plants for Opterra. The electricity we will purchase from Statkraft from 2022 onwards will mark the start of the conversion of our plant operations to renewable energies. The agreement gives the sustainability initiative launched this year the necessary tailwind to implement further measures,” says Danilo Buscaglia, CEO of Opterra.

With the agreement concluded here, Statkraft and Opterra are demonstrating how green power PPAs, which are relatively new in Germany, can provide very concrete support for the industry in its efforts to develop sustainable products and CO2-neutral value chains.



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