Editorial team
Dr. Petra Strunk
Tel.: +49 5241 21517272
Lukas Höpfner M.A.
Tel: +49 5241 21512929
Editorial assistant
Sabine Anton M.A.
Tel: +49 5241 21517171
Advertising | Sales
Nicole Dony
Tel. +49 5241 21514242
Head of Digital Sales
Axel Gase-Jochens
Tel: +49 5241 21512727
Head of Advertising Market
Michael Voss
Tel: +49 5241 2151-5511
Marketing and Sales
Michael Voss
Tel: +49 5241 2151-5511
Head of Agency dice
Rainer Homeyer-Wenner
Tel.: +49 5241 21513311
Reader Service
Tel: +49 5241 21511000
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