
Your search for "" found 5737 Hits

Issue 10/2010

Indian cement industry – Active as ever, pacing ahead

The Indian economy has been on the upswing for the last few years, barring small patches here and there. The Indian cement industry has been following suit, mostly surpassing the national economic...

Issue 11/2010

Circuit high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) in a cement grinding plant Part 1: Evaluation of overall performance

1 Introduction Since their first application in 1985, HPGRs have been increasingly used in cement grinding circuits [1]. They have now stood the test in terms of capacity and energy efficiency...

Issue 10/2010

Hydration, phase and microstructure development of Ultra-High Performance Concrete

1 Introduction During the last decades Ultra-High Performance Concrete has gained more interest in research and concrete application due to the development of highly effective concrete additives. In...

Issue 11/2010

Lafarge accelerates its innovation strategy

Aether, an innovative project developed by Lafarge to reduce the CO2 footprint of cement, is receiving support from the European Union. This support is provided under the European “LIFE+” program,...


Lafarge accelerates its innovation strategy

Aether, an innovative project developed by Lafarge to reduce the CO2 footprint of cement, is receiving support from the European Union. This support is provided under the European “LIFE+” program,...

Issue 11/2010

New 4000 t/d clinker production line for Syria

GÜRIS Insaat ve Mühendislik, Turkey awarded Humboldt Wedag/Germany a contract to provide a new pyroprocess system with a capacity designed for 4000 t/d clinker. GÜRIS already operates two cement...


New 4000 t/d clinker production line for Syria

GÜRIS Insaat ve Mühendislik, Turkey awarded Humboldt Wedag/Germany a contract to provide a new pyroprocess system with a capacity designed for 4000 t/d clinker. GÜRIS already operates two cement...

Issue 11/2010

Removal of blockages

Standard Industrie has used the experience gained from over 30 years in the field of solving blockages and its capacity for constant innovation to create the AIRCHOC® Wireless (Fig.), an air cannon...


Removal of blockages

Standard Industrie has used the experience gained from over 30 years in the field of solving blockages and its capacity for constant innovation to create the AIRCHOC® Wireless (Fig.), an air cannon...

Issue 11/2010

Innovations at the Samoter 2011

28th SAMOTER 2011, Verona/Italy (02.-06.03.2011)

Many innovations will be presented on the international stage at the 28th SAMOTER, the three-yearly International Exhibition on the topics Earth Moving, Construction Sites and Building Industry...


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