In May 2012, the IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference will be held in San Antonio/USA. The hot topics this year continue to center around...
Cimento Itambé has awarded Aumund do Brasil and Schade Lagertechnik GmbH, Herne, a contract for the rebuilding of a limestone storage facility. Apart...
On 16.01.2012, Elmar Limley took over the product and system development department at the dry wall construction specialist Lafarge Gips. In this...
Since October 2011, Bruno Reckmann has been Sales Manager for the business divisions Conveying and Loading, Palletising and Packaging at the Beumer...
The Austrian building materials group Wietersdorfer & Peggauer Zementwerke GmbH (brand name baumit) placed an order with BT-Wolfgang Binder to set up a sand processing and mixing plant for building materials in Russia. This new plant with a value of about five million Euros is located in Kikerino (approx. 80 km west of St. Petersburg) and will annually produce about 50 000 t of mortar, adhesive and various screeding compounds. There a modular plant concept was...
The Portland Cement Association (PCA) has named Gregory M. Scott Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, effective 01.01.2012. He will head the...
At the beginning of the year 2012, Jörg Baldauf took over the sales management at Intensiv-Filter. He has 20 years experience in process technology....
After the first summit of the European Mortar Industry in Paris in June 2011, the next European Mortar Summit is scheduled to take place 2013. It is...
In December 2011, ZAB Zementanlagenbau GmbH Dessau, a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH, carried out a successful performance test of the rotary...
For cement grinding, the high-pressure grinding roll (HPGR) POLYCOM® and the static-dynamic separator SEPOL® PC can be installed as a finish-grinding...