Promecon gas volume measurement now in six Holcim US plants

The Holcim (US) cement plant Devil’s Slide in Morgan UT has just ordered the McON air gas flow measurement system for measuring the kiln off gas amount in the downcomer duct. The system has been developed by Promecon GmbH in Germany.

The benefit achieved by the McON air system in this application is a smoother kiln ID fan control which results in a stabilized kiln operation. This has also been successfully achieved in other cement plants. The maintenance-, drift- and calibration-free measurement for gas velocity or gas volume in applications with dust loads up to 1000 g/m³ and gas temperatures of up to 1000 °C has been installed at 20 cement plants on the American continent alone. It can be fitted directly on the raw gas ducts of the downcomer.

To date more than 50 cement plants worldwide use the system especially to measure the heavily dust-laden outlet gas flows of raw and cement VRMs. As result of the highly accurate signal the transportation air in the VRM can be controlled more precisely and fan power consumption can be reduced up to 1 kWh per ton of grinding material.

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