Opterra quality cements as bagged goods

Opterra GmbH has been providing a selection of quality cements in bagged form for smaller construction companies and specialist firms via specialist dealers and in DIY stores for many years. Like all Opterra cements, they meet the highest quality requirements, which are certified by independent certification bodies in regular testing procedures.

It is not always possible to process cement as loose goods on site. Therefore, Opterra offers part of its extensive cement range as bagged products on pallets. In 25 kg containers, they are provided for specialized trade as professional cements and for DIY stores as standard cements. Simple names and a clear color concept promote recognition and differentiation from other products.

“The Blue” (CEM I 42.5 N) and
“The Blue-Green” (CEM II/A-LL 42.5 N) are ideal for the production of screed floors due to their good early strength. Other applications such as the production of high-quality plaster and masonry mortar are also possible for both cements.

Thanks to its high early and final strength, “The Red”, a Portland cement CEM I 42.5 R, can be used for concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete with compressive strength classes ≥ C30/37.

For construction measures in hydraulic and civil engineering, such as sewage treatment plants, catch basins, concrete pipes and shafts, “The Yellow” is used. This CEM I 52.5 N-SR 3 (na) is specialized for applications where the concrete is exposed to chemical attack due to high sulfate loading from surrounding soils and waters.

“The Standard” (CEM II/A-LL 32.5 R) is versatile as an all-rounder. It completes the Opterra bagged product range and covers almost all areas of application.

All products comply with the European DIN EN 197-1 and DIN 1164 standards. The quality cements are filled in a new, energy-efficient and state-of-the-art packaging plant at Opterra’s Karsdorf plant.

An overview of the range of bagged cements is provided in the new Opterra brochure “Bagged Cements”. In addition to the product portfolio, it contains information on the composition of the respective cements as well as important tips for their application. The brochure can be ordered via the website or also downloaded as a PDF.



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