First vertical clinker roller mill for Askale Cimento

Askale Cimento Sanayii T.A.S. is currently erecting a new 4000 tpd clinker production line in Gümüshane, about 100 km south of Trabzon/Turkey. On September 18th, 2012, Askale Cimento and Loesche signed an additional contract for the supply of one Loesche mill type LM 56.3+3. For the new plant, Askale Cimento has already ordered two Loesche vertical roller mills to grind cement raw material and coal.

The clinker mill is designed to grind cement with production rates of up to 230 tph and finesses up to 4600 cm2/g according to Blaine. It is equipped with the newly developed LDC classifier including the patented gas flow straightener called “VORTEX Rectifier”. The complete project execution and coordination on site is handled by ­SINTEK Mining Machinery Industry Construction from Ankara.


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