... and next year in Birmingham ...
Dear Readers,
The USA is worth a trip in itself and a visit to the 66th annual IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Conference in Denver is especially worthwhile! This year‘s event was primarily dedicated to the current issues and challenges facing the cement industry. The cement conference was made up of a whole series of components, such as workshops, training modules, round table discussions, lectures, a plant tour and an extensive trade fair where plant manufacturers and cement producers present their product portfolios.
The conference days started with a joint breakfast during the round table discussions on topics such as “Navigating new requirements for sustainable products in bidding”, “Evaluating new carbon-lowering technologies for the industry” and “Expanding the talent pool in the cement industry”. After a short keynote, very lively and interesting discussions took place at the individual tables, and the results of the exchange were then presented to the large group by a table speaker.
The specialist presentations also largely dealt with the reduction of CO2 emissions. Another key topic was the economic situation and the future economic development of the cement industry, particularly with regard to the necessary transformation to sustainable and CO2-reduced binder production. There were also many opportunities for mutual exchange, which were actively used by all participants. Another highlight, the Awards Banquet, took place on the last evening of the conference. During the Awards Banquet, the organizing committee honored outstanding technical papers and presentations, divided into different categories.
Next year‘s event, the 67th annual IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Conference, will take place in Birmingham/Alabama from May 4-8, 2025.
Back from Denver and best wishes to all our readers
Dr Petra Strunk