
Your search for "" found 5737 Hits

Internationally leading internal logistics manufacturer

For Beumer acting in the fields of hand­ling and loading equipment systems, ZKG International has been a highly competent and much valued partner for decades. I myself have also been an enthusiastic...


Trust in the fifth generation

My sons Florian Festge and Dr. Fabian Festge will be assuming responsibility for Haver & Boecker in Oelde/Germany together with Walter Haver effective 1 January 2014. Together with a highly qualified...


Burden of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act threatens cement industry

The German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) could become a massive threat to production and employment in the German cement industry. The background is the so-called state aid procedure that is...


Cement plant starts up GPSE grinding

One of Colombia’s newest cement plants, Ultracem S.A.S., contracted with Gebr. Pfeiffer, Inc., a subsidiary of Gebr. Pfeiffer SE, with headquarters in Kaiserslautern, Germany, for an MPS 3350 BC...


ThyssenKrupp combines capabilities in plant technology

As part of its strategic way forward, ThyssenKrupp is strengthening its plant technology business as a major growth area for the group. To better exploit global market opportunities the previously...


The first VRMs for cement grinding in Saudi Arabia

Southern Province Cement Co. (SPCC) is building a new brownfield cement line in Bisha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a clinker production capacity of 5000 tpd. The complete plant delivery and execution...


Facing the challenges and taking advantage

In anticipation of the next round of global competition and new environmental regulations to go into effect worldwide, Siemens is taking steps to ensure that customers are ready. With the right...


We need a level playing field

So, the trick is not in making the cement, but rather in coping with the boundary conditions - prices, the environment, regulations. Cost leadership is our clearly declared aim, which is why we work...


Engineering the future

Initially manufacturing and supplying efficient clinker coolers to its clients, IKN today offers a wide range of products and services for the pyroprocessing department. Covering products from the...


Dear Colleagues

We are very excited to be part of the global editorial team of ZKG International as active supporters covering the cement, lime and gypsum industry for the United States and Canada. We look forward...


Ihre Suche nach "" :

5921 Treffer in "AT Minerals"

10788 Treffer in "Bundesbaublatt"

8021 Treffer in "Betonwerk + Fertigteil-Technik"

7305 Treffer in "bauhandwerk"

1198 Treffer in "Brandschutz"

1092 Treffer in "Computer Spezial"

4926 Treffer in "dach+holzbau"

17813 Treffer in "Deutsche BauZeitschrift"


12368 Treffer in "Kälte Klima Aktuell"

6269 Treffer in "metallbau"

1333 Treffer in "recovery"

12637 Treffer in "SHK Profi"

17186 Treffer in "tab - Das Fachmedium der TGA-Branche"

12330 Treffer in "Tiefbau Hochbau Ingenieurbau Straßenbau"

1944 Treffer in "tunnel"

5737 Treffer in "Zement Kalk Gips"

3532 Treffer in "Ziegelindustrie International"