aixergee workshop-seminar on process optimization

On 11.10.-12.10.2018 aixergee GmbH successfully hosted its annual workshop-seminar on options to optimize the production of cement manufacture with high ranking participants from the international cement industry. The seminar was set up as a high-intensity, hands-on workshop and covered all areas of improvement of the production process including production increase, emissions reduction, alternative fuel burning and related topics.

In the 2-days seminar the delegates discussed how to analyse shortcomings and bottlenecks of today’s clinker production processes and how to develop improvement solutions. The analysis of process limitations often suffers from insufficient or unclear data acquisition and the consequent ambivalence of root cause analysis within the complexity of today´s real cement plant operation. Here modern methods like CFD (computa­tional fluid dynamics), flowsheet simulation and (big) data analysis can provide valuable help. The delegates learned how to implement these simulation techniques for their projects and how cost effective improvements can be developed and tested before expensive modifications are implemented in their plants.

Based on more than 200 executed optimization projects aixergee GmbH has refined their modelling toolbox to cover all ruling physical and chemical phenomena in the complex interacting production process of cement. Especially the realistic modelling of particle behaviour and the combustion of lumpy secondary fuels is essential for the realistic prediction of the model. It was commonly found that not always a complete retrofit of a complete new piece of equipment is needed, but small but smart modification may provide a much more cost efficient solution.

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