Vertical roller mill for new greenfield ­cement plant in Konya

Biberci Insaat from Konya/Turkey are building their first cement plant and  have ordered a Loesche LM 56.3+3 VRM for this project. The company specialises in infrastructure work including road construction, interchange, water conduction lines, sewerage, natural gas and other energy transfer lines, now they are also planning to produce their own cement in Konya/Turkey. One of their first investments for the new greenfield cement plant is the order of a cement mill for the grinding of clinker at the Duesseldorf/Germany-based manufacturer.

The mill will be producing 200 t/h of OPC at 3800 Blaine. As the 2+2/ 3+3 system was developed for better ­grinding bed stability, with this technology it is possible to produce a wide spectrum of cement types with a fineness of up to 6000 Blaine. The gearbox is planned for a capacity of 5400 kW. Delivery is scheduled for the third quarter of 2015.

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