Small cause – big effect

The focus of the November issue of ZKG INTERNATIONAL is on the pyroprocess. A great many topics are covered – from the efficient use of alternative fuels to alternative raw materials and reduced emissions. Various articles deal with the topic of refractories, either directly with the refractory lining or indirectly with kiln plant monitoring. Although the share of the refractory lining in the overall capital spending for a kiln line is relatively low, repairs due to its failure and the involved downtimes could soon turn out to be rather expensive. Consequently, it is better to apply high-quality solutions for the corresponding applications.

Slowly the year is drawing to a close. Nevertheless, there are still a few events waiting for the cement world. ZKG INTERNATIONAL will be represented at the AUCBM in Dubai (//" target="_blank" > in December and we will also take part in the second online convention regarding dry-mix mortar (//" target="_blank" > Take the opportunity to meet us there personally or online and to discuss cooperation. Also in 2013 various events are already on the agenda, e.g. in Brazil (V. Brazilian Cement Conference, São Paulo), in the USA (55th IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference, Orlando), in Turkey (12th TÇBM International Cement Industry Technical Seminar and Exhibition, Antalya) and in Germany (7th International Congress of VDZ 2013 in Düsseldorf, and the 1st International Construction Chemistry Conference in Berlin). Make a note of them already today and stay with us.


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