Selective comminution of concrete waste and recovery of the concrete constituents in a grinding-drying process

Using a Loesche VRM, trials were carried out in order to determine the extent to which the constituents of concrete waste could be made suitable by a special recycling process for use as a substitute for the natural rock fraction in components. In this process, the employment of suitable separation equipment played a crucial role.

1 Summary

This article describes a new process for the separate recovery of the components of concrete waste by means of selective comminution in combination with dry separation by density. The process is based on a Loesche roller mill, which liberates the gravel and sand fractions in a non-destructive manner. Post-separation of the coarse fraction using an air jigging machine or dry fluidized bed separation ultimately produces a recyclate of such a good quality that it can be used to completely replace the natural rock fraction. Pilot results of the selective comminution are presented and it...

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