Lime industry aiming for more safety
The Bundesverband der Deutschen Kalkindustrie e.V. (BVK – German Lime Industry Association) and the Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und Chemische Industrie (BG RCI - Raw Materials and Chemical Industry Employers’ Liability Insurance Association) want to cooperate more closely with lime industry companies for the implementation of the accident prevention strategy “Vision Zero. Zero accidents – work healthily”.
The concrete goals prescribed by the strategy are supposed to be reached by the year 2024. This includes reducing the risk of workplace accidents by 30 % and the number of fatal work-related accidents by 50 %. Appropriate preventive measures are to be taken to increase the number of zero accident facilities. The envisaged measures include better analysis of key occupational hazards (a.k.a. occupational hazard black spots), strong support for small and medium-size enterprises where safe working practices may tend not to be firmly anchored, and still more personal in-plant advice and guidance.
BVK represents some 50 companies with nearly 100 plants in all. Together, their more than 3000 employees produce roughly 6.5 million t of lime per year for revenues totalling approximately € 750 million (status: 2015).