Several years’ rejuvenation treatment – modernization of a cement plant

Summary: The energy factor in production is one of the greatest challenges for the cement sector. For this reason it is a matter of systematically implementing sustainable efficiency gains – from resource management through to productivity control and cutting unnecessary costs. The introduction of modern process control technology can contribute to reducing raw material and energy costs and minimizing emissions. The measures needed for such a modernization program have a rapid pay back if professionally planned and implemented.

1 Introduction

HeidelbergCement AG is one of the largest cement manufacturers in the world: the corporation operates more than 2500 locations in over 40 countries of the world – from extraction sites for sand, gravel and hard rock, through to cement production centers and crushing mills, right up to ready-mixed concrete and asphalt production. The mission statement of the corporation rests on environmentally sound and sustainable operational activities. Given the highly intensive nature of energy and raw material consumption in the production processes of cement and concrete there is a special...

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