EP 4 260931 A1

A method for purification of fume gases from carbon dioxide by carbonization of small-piece pressed products from mixtures containing lime and a device for its implementation

(22) 12.04.2023

(43) 18.10.2023

(57) A method for purification of fume gases from carbon dioxide (CO2) by carbonizing small-piece moulded products from lime-containing mixtures, characterized in that carbonization is conducted in at least two carboni­zation chambers (CCs) in two stages:

at the first stage of intensive purification, a series of working cycles is conducted, each of which includes sup­plying a portion of fume gases in CC, that is filled with small-piece moulded products, with an overpressure se­lected from the interval Q1 stg = 0.3 MPa, holding until reaching the level of reduction in the CO2 concen­tration in the fume gases selected from the interval 40 = 80%, and ejection of the purified portion of fume gas­es into the atmosphere, the first stage is completed upon reaching the duration of one working cycle selected in advance from the interval of 20 - 60 minutes;

at the second stage, the small-piece moulded products are kept in the CC while maintaining the pressure that is more than twice higher (Q2 stg > 2Q1 stg) in comparison with the pressure at the first stage of carbonization, with periodic bypassing of fume gases into the CC in which the first stage of carbonization is carried out, and the preparation of the molding mixture is produced by repeat­ed compaction by rolling a thick layer with a roll and its ripping in a high-speed roller mixer-activator of cy-cyclic action, and the moulded small-piece moulded products are hollow with a hollowness of at least 20%. In a device for implementing a method, comprising at least two CCs connected by pipelines to a receiver compressed to the required pressure of fume and a pipe for ejecting purified fume into the atmosphere, charac­terized in that it has an additional pipeline connecting all CCs, each of which is connected to an additional pipeline (26) by two connecting lines equipped with lockup valves (29, 30), and one of each pair of connecting lines is equipped with an additional pressure reducing valve (32, 33).


(71) Harmony Dynamics Sp. z o.o., Gdansk (PL)


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