VDI presents technical rules to reduce greenhouse gases
On the “Conference on Greenhouse Gases” on 24.11.2014 in Brussels/Belgium, the efforts of the European Union were focused to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in energy-intensive industries. The results of mandated CEN standardization work for the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from the five energy-intensive industries iron and steel production, cement, aluminum, calcium and iron alloy production were presented. The VDI Society Commission on Air Pollution Prevention (KRdL) is organizing the standardization work at European and international level.
As part of this standardization work six EN ISO drafts were worked out by the KRdL involving industries, in which harmonized methods for the quantification of greenhouse gases were laid down. With the help of field tests on existing plants the methods to be standardized were reviewed and verified by measurements. These standards provide performance assessment of the of production processes in terms of greenhouse gas emissions to specific production sites. In addition, methods are established to ensure reliable, accurate and quantitative information of high value for reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emission levels. A world wide acceptance of the methodes for the quantification of greenhouse gases in the drafts should be ensured by publication as ISO standards.
VDI director Ralph Appel commended the excellent cooperation with the European Commission, which has made the verification and standardization of the described methods possible. Appel stressed that the conference also served the purpose, to convince more energy-intensive industries about the benefits of such global standards and to strengthen the competitiveness of energy-intensive industries in the context of global climate policy. The EU mandate is still open for other energy-intensive industrial sectors. They were appealed to standardize their specific methods for the quantification of greenhouse gases.
Under www.vdi.de/krdl all conference presentations and other information are available for download. The activities of VDI in the field of air pollution control displays the video clip “air to breathe” under www.youtube.com/meinvdi