Removal of blockages
Standard Industrie has used the experience gained from over 30 years in the field of solving blockages and its capacity for constant innovation to create the AIRCHOC® Wireless (Fig.), an air cannon power supply. The system is internationally patented. Designed to easily remove blocking and encrustation while avoiding the limitations imposed by a wired installation, the AIRCHOC® Wireless can be operated by remote control using a transmitter and a receiver. It is (re)charged with 2 batteries which are inside the receiver box. The key features are:
– Long distance transmission: With a 300 m-range up to 1 km in open spaces, the wireless system enables operation of the AIRCHOC® Wireless over large distances across any terrain and regardless of any obstacles.
– A single transmitter to control up to 128 AIRCHOC® wire
less units: Installed in the control room, the transmitter can be connected to an automaton or to a computer in order to manage all the AIRCHOC® Wireless units from a single point.
– Control and switching off in complete safety: During the visits to the installation, the operator can switch off each AIRCHOC® Wireless by remote control. It enables him to intervene in complete safety.
– Inexpensive installation: The transmitter has a reduced cost and enables control of up to 128 AIRCHOC® Wireless. Moreover, thanks to the wireless technology, it is no longer necessary to purchase electric cables and cable trays, and therefore maintenance costs are saved.