Update for Cemat control system

The update to version 8.2 is now available for Cemat, the Siemens control system for cement, mining and building materials based on Simatic PCS 7. The new release features an array of new functions across the entire production chain. New additions include an extension of the sequence test mode, new picture symbols for simpler operation and a scalable recipe and storage location management.

Correctly functioning processes are vital to ensure the economical operation of plants in the mining and cement manufacturing industries. Cost-intensive equipment standstills have to be avoided at all costs. The Siemens mining port­folio is designed to keep everything ticking over smoothly and includes the Cemat automation standard, a control system based on Simatic PCS 7. Cemat depicts the complete steps within the production chain – from the extraction of raw materials through to packaging of the end products – and also offers supplementary modules such as mill optimization using advanced process control functions. The new Cemat version V8.2 comes with a series of new features as an update for versions V6.1 to V8.1.

Functions for simplification, evaluation and process control

The extended sequence test mode allows all hardware-relevant inputs of an object to be simulated in OS runtime operation following a switchover to “sequence test” in the system plan. New picture symbols, which can now be scaled proportionally and displayed on an instance-specific basis, are designed to simplify one-step operation. Using new evaluation options it is now possible, for instance, to define maintenance intervals for analog and binary signal modules and to log and evaluate completed maintenance processes. Extended warning or fault information on motor startup, set-point value setting for bi-directional drives, additional user-configurable messages over EventTS, a new module for displaying the status of subordinate small controllers and Scalable Production Control (SPC) modules for recipe-specific processes round off the new update.

The SPC modules allow parameters to be saved, imported, exported and/or switched over, if required. The parameter characteristics are depicted in each case by different SPC module types, which can be freely connected to each other depending on the quantity structure and requirements. A central SPC manager module forms the interface for the plant operator. It is now also possible to include the flexible assignment of materials to different storage locations in the project engineering process.

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