Successful 4th Alternative Fuels Symposium
On 27.09.–28.09.2017, around 140 experts met for the 4th Alternative Fuels Symposium in Duisburg to discuss the worldwide utilization of alternative fuels. The event organized by MVW Lechtenberg & Partner started already on the Tuesday with an excursion to the Herhof Stabilat plant in Osnabrück.
1 Importance of alternative fuels growing in the
cement industry worldwide
Dirk Lechtenberg, MVW Lechtenberg & Partner, greeted the attendees from around 25 countries with a short review.
Around 15 years ago, he had held his first talk on the topic of alternative fuels at the AUCBM in Algeria. For him, it had been the starting point for the utilization of alternative fuels in the Arab world. In the meantime, this topic was becoming increasingly important worldwide. With the use of solid fuels, there were, he explained, big differences as there was often no functioning waste separation like...