Protective clothing for working with hot meal
Especially for the high temperatures of hot meal, Mewa has developed its “Exclusive Cement” collection. The clothing provides optimum protection against extreme temperatures because if the closed system in which cement production takes place is opened, the employees must be perfectly protected from head to toe. Even the most minute quantities of material cause severe burns. The special hot meal protective clothing reduces the danger of second-degree burns to under 0.9 %. The protective clothing is certified in compliance with EN ISO 11611 (Protective clothing for welding and related procedures), EN ISO 11612 (Protective clothing – clothing for protection against heat and flames) and EN 1149-3 and -5 (Protective clothing – electrostatic properties, anti-static).
All fasteners and pockets in the front area of the collection are designed so that hot meal cannot penetrate. In addition, the protective clothing consists of a relatively light, soft and washable fabric. This means that the employees do not get a rigid “suit of armour”, but rather reliable protective clothing that is pleasant to wear.
The protective clothing for cement production is also available in the textile sharing scheme. The textile service provider collects the worn clothing from the customer, washes it in an environmentally friendly process, repairs it if necessary, replacing any worn-out parts, and returns everything clean and punctually to the customer. With a barcode system, every employee receives the clothes he or she has worn previously so that individual adjustments can be made to the protective clothing.