Next generation

With the LiMs Simatic IT Unilab 7.0, ­Siemens is launching an extensively revised version of the existing Siemens LiMs for lab automation. The new design allows this proven and very extensive software to also be used from mobile devices. Based on its own expertise, the latest technology trends and feedback from customers, Siemens has completely revised its LIMS for quality control, service labs and R&D labs, with a view to increasing user convenience, simplifying handling and implementing and also reducing costs. “With the release of Simatic IT Unilab V7, Siemens has done a very nice job of re-imagining the application for a modern platform.Undoubtedly their customers will like it”, Greg Gorbach, vice president ARC Advisory Group, explains.

As a cloud solution, the latest version of the software is totally web-enabled, and is capable of running in any standard HTML5 browser. This eliminates the need for regular system updates and installation work. The flexible web design of the Simatic IT Unilab 7.0 allows users to switch on the fly between using the software on a PC and a tablet. The comfort and com- pact view options allow visitors to choose the display space used by the required data on screen, the comfort option being primarily suited for touch screen operation, while the compact view is ideal for regular PCs using a keyboard and mouse. To address needs for different display sizes and varying degrees of detail, as well as the call for customized displays, Version 7 also allows users to change between the novice and ex- pert modes. The latter depicts all the details of the required sample, while the novice mode shows only the absolute bare minimum of necessary data. Using the docking manager, each user can specify an individual work area, creating their “own” work environment.

The whole lab set-up can be handled using a mind map, which is a graphicalrepresentation of all the objects withinthe lab configuration. The software also comes with a completely revised search function with auto-completion, filter in list, text search and time stamp search. In addition, trending and charting are also possible directlyout of the result window.

The identical launch pad used for Simatic IT Unilab and all other modules of the Simatic IT R&D suite can be individually configured in line with the access rights of the relevant user. The user can define, for instance, which documents should be linked to the user interface and whether an internet search engine should be displayed.

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