New web-based version VAS® 5.0
The Java-based logistics software VAS® from FRITZ & MACZIOL supports both automation and safeguarding of despatch and supply processes in the raw and bulk materials industry. With VAS 5.0® a new web-based version is now available, which runs on the Ajax Framework ZK and offers many advantages for both users and administrators. The application interface has been completely relaunched and guides users intuitively through the application with the look and feel of a local programme. Remote users can now log in to the despatch application using integrated remote access, for example, from a local office or the head office. „Use of the new ZKFramework, which is continually redeveloped by the community as open-source software, means we are automatically ensuring compatibility with all standard browsers“, explains Roland Bäumler, Senior Software Engineer at FRITZ & MACZIOL and responsible for development of the pioneering Framework. Moreover, the new version of VAS 5.0® has the right interfaces to display the application in future on mobile devices like tablet PCs or smartphones as well. Things have also improved for the administrators: use of Spring Webservices enables communication with higher systems, such as ERP or Faktura systems. Customising of the VAS screens has also been simplified. With its service-oriented architecture, the new VAS version can either be hosted directly in the customer‘s central computer centre or, very conveniently at FRITZ & MACZIOL as Software as a Service.