New lime-sand brickworks ­benefitting from Industry 4.0

Cirkel GmbH & Co. KG based in Haltern am See is erecting a new, state-of-the-art lime-sand brickworks at its Neuenkirchen-Vörden site in Lower Saxony.

The investment concept foresees innovations in environmental protection and the use of the available space, and for that reason it is funded with just ­under € 1.8 million within the framework of the German government’s Environmental Innovation Programme. With the innovative plant, new standards in energy efficiency and consequently new standards for climate friendliness will be set in the building materials industry. The company is creating up to 20 new jobs with the realization of the concept.

“Thanks to digitization in production (Industry 4.0) and novel press technology, production is much more flexible than in conventional plants of the masonry industry. As a result, the necessary storage space is reduced,” Managing ­Director Julian Cirkel adds. Moreover, the company is planning innovations in heat recovery and steam technology, as a result of which energy consumption will be improved substantially.

Cirkel GmbH & Co. KG, established in 1898, is by its own account the oldest still existing lime-sand brick manufacturer in the world, with plants in Wickede (Ruhr) and Haltern am See, at which aerated concrete is also produced. At the Emsdetten and Bad Salzdetfurth sites, the company produces granulates and cat litter preproducts. The use of the raw materials lime, sand and water links all the products used in the different industries. The family-run company now employs 150 people at its four sites.

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