New President for Eurogypsum

During its General Assembly held in Brussel on 09.05., the European ­Manufacturers Association for Plaster and Plasterboard Products (Eurogypsum) elected Bernard Lekien as President for the 2016-2018 period. Bernard Lekien succeeds the CEO of Saint Gobain Gypsum, Claude-Alain Tardy at the expiry of his statutory term of office.

Bernard Lekien is a civil engineer graduate of the University of Liège. He has also a MBA from the University of Austin, Texas. He joined the Lafarge Group in 1982 and held a variety of positions at the company’s headquarters and its cement and gypsum divisions. Since 1989, he has been a member of the gypsum division Executive Committee. In that year, he became Managing Director at Lafarge’s Plasterboard division. First in Italy, later in Germany and the Netherlands, then France and Belgium, and finally in southern Europe. In 2010, he became Senior Vice-President Western Europe of Lafarge’s Gypsum division. When Etex acquired the European and Latin American activities of Lafarge in 2011, he became Head of the new Siniat division in Europe. Since September 2014, Bernard is Honorary President of Siniat International and Senior Advisor to the CEO of Etex.

During the General Assembly, Bernard Lekien declared: “I am convinced that the 21st century material is gypsum with unique properties for a sustainable building (recyclability-flexibility-sound insulation-fire resistant, aesthetic to name a few). During my presidency, I will concentrate my efforts to facilitate the sustainable access to natural gypsum deposits in Europe, key for the development of our environmental solutions, promote recycling of gypsum products and enhance the substitutability of natural gypsum.”

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