Method of preparation of gypsum cement pozzolan mix
(22) 14.04.2014
(45) 20.05.2015
(57) Method of obtaining of gypsum cement-puzzolan mix includes hydroactivation of portland cement with surfactants for 1 min. with the subsequent adding of gypsum and puzzolan component and repeated hydroactivation within 2 min., in the rotor and pulsation device with a shaft speed of rotation no less than 5000 rpm, the surfactant is a mix of polymeric polycarboxylated ether “Glenium® 115”, the setting and cuing time regulator “BEST-TB” and the organic silicon compound “N-octyl sulfosuccinate” in the ratio 1:0.3:0.07, the puzzolan component is a metakaolin with the hydraulic activity no less than 1000 mg/g, at the following ratio of components, by weight%: semiwater gypsum 55.8-56.5, portland cement 14.3-15.4, the named surface-active substance 1.1-1.9, metakaolin 2.5-3.3, water - the rest. Effect: increase of frost resistance, increase of time of mix curing, getting self-sealing ability, increase of flexural and compression strength, increase of water resistance and decrease of water absorption.
(73) Federal’noe gosudarstvennoe bjudzhetnoe obrazovatel’noe uchrezhdenie vysshego professional’nogo obrazovanija “Kazanskij gosudarstvennyj arkhitekturno-stroitel’nyj universitet” KGASU, Vladimir Sergeevich Izotov, Rustem Khinifovich Mukhametrakhimov, Kazan (RU)