RU2593396 (C1)

Method of obtaining lime

(22) 17.03.2015

(43) 10.08.2016

(57) Field: technological processes. Substance: invention relates to production of lime for various purposes, including production of construction materials, and is recommended for enterprises with capacity from 10 to 300 thousand t per year. Method of obtaining lime involves complete preliminary grinding of all limestone to particle size of less than 100 mcr, oil coke in charge composition with size of not more than 0.6 mm, and size of used particles of limestone underlayer is 15-20 mm, then charge granules with diameter 10-12 mm are used with acceleration of their granulation by inclusion of limestone underlayer, extracted from product, into limestone, supplied to grinding, then after ignition of charge air supplied into layer of charge is diluted with gas fuel in conditions providing low coefficient of air flow rate in gas-air mixture from 5 to 3; in process of burning mixture in reactor is subjected to vibration by means of built-in vibrator. Effect: ­higher chemical activity, improved technical and consumer properties of lime, reduced length of technological production cycles using lime as binder.1 cl, 1tbl

(73) Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya “Uralskij federalnyj universitet imeni pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B.N. ltsina” (RU)


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