Material recyclable share of solid recovered fuels for co-incineration in Germany
To obtain information on the ash composition of solid recovered fuels (SRF), initial investigations have been carried out in production plants for quality assured SRF. Results of these investigations are shown in this publication. For this, the status quo of co-incineration in cement plants with regard to the legal context and the development of alternative fuels in Germany will be described first. Then, the solid recovered fuels are specified. Finally, the element contents of the ashes of SRF samples from different origins are presented with regard to a recycling quota and to savings in carbon dioxide emissions.
1 Introduction
In general, the cement production process offers different possibilities for the utilization of alternative fuels and raw materials, which lead to savings of natural resources and environmentally friendly disposal of wastes [6]. Due to the fact that ash from solid recovered fuels has valuable constituents for cement production, such as SiO2, CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3 etc. which are incorporated into the clinker, primary raw materials can be saved (see also [1], [21]). This has meanwhile been proven in various investigations, so that these constituents can technically be considered as...