Maerz Ofenbau projects in Mexico and Russia
A third kiln for the lime plant Mexicana de Cobre/Mexico
Not far away from the Sonora desert, in the same-named federal state of Mexico, two Maerz kilns erected in 2009 and 2014 are performing to the complete satisfaction of their owner Mexicana de Cobre. In 2019 the customer demonstrated its confidence in Maerz technology by ordering a third Maerz kiln for its lime plant.
Near the town Agua Prieta on a picturesque plateau more than 1300 m a.s.l., the customer’s engineers are preparing the ground for the new kiln of the circular R4S type, which will process limestone with a grading of 60-110 mm and will produce 600 t of burnt lime per day.
This kiln project marks an important milestone for Mexicana de Cobre enabling it to cope with the increasing demand for lime in its mining business. The customer is the fourth largest copper producer worldwide.
The order includes the supply of engineering, license, know-how, equipment as well as technical assistance ser-vices during erection, commissioning and start-up of the Maerz PFR lime shaft kiln at the customer’s lime plant. Natural gas will be used as fuel. Maerz’s equipment supply comprises the following main items:
Suspended cylinders
Process air blowers with electric motors
Electric, measuring and control system for the lime kiln
Firing system for natural gas, including the start-up burner equipment
Hydraulic equipment
Limestone skip hoist winch, including the pertinent electrical measuring and control equipment
Air blast units
Refractory materials
Maerz’s specialised technicians will assist with hot commissioning and acceptance test runs on the lime kiln and the associated equipment.
Abinsk Electric Steel Works Ltd, Abinsk, Krasnodar Region, Russia
Abinsk Electric Steel Works Ltd., domiciled in Abinsk, Krasnodar Region, Russia, placed an order for the supply of engineering, license, know-how, equipment and technical assistance services during commissioning and start-up of a Maerz PFR lime shaft kiln as well as the limestone and lime handling systems designed by Parget Makina Ltd., based in Ankara/Turkey.
This new double shaft lime kiln of the rectangular type E2 will calcine limestone with gradings of 20-40 mm and 55-100 mm respectively and will produce more than 160 tons of lime per day, using natural gas as fuel. Commissioning is scheduled for the middle of 2020.
The supply of this new lime plant is a cooperation between the companies Parget Makina Ltd. from Ankara/Turkey and Maerz Ofenbau AG.
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