Live demonstrations explosion safety
The Rembe live demonstrations have been an integral part of the Powtech for many years. The same applies to the key player Roland Bunse – an established figure in the world of explosion safety since the 1990s, who has been at Rembe just as long, and has been head of the Rembe Research + Technology Center GmbH for two years. With the accreditation as a testing laboratory according to DIN EN ISO 17025, for the team around Roland Bunse the independence and professionalism appreciated by many customers was once again confirmed.
In addition to the Rembe Research + Technology Center, Rembe GmbH Safety + Control will be presenting a new nonreturn valve and the Q-Ball E flameless venting device especially designed for elevators in addition to other selected products.
Q-Flap RX non-return valve
The new Q-Flap RX non-return valve is a joint development between Rembe and the Swiss company RICO. The Q-Flap RX is available up to DN 1250. The strict requirements of EN 16447 are mainly achieved through the very high strengths and flexible installation distances. This is made possible by the so-called swivel carriage principle. Isolation is essential for effective explosion safety. No matter how much operators invest in (flameless) venting, if an isolation is missing the explosion can spread within the system and continue to propagate from one facility part to another.
Flameless pressure relief for elevators: Q-Ball E
The Q-Ball E, which is primarily designed for elevators, uses the principle of the contour-parallel relief developed by Rembe. Thanks to the innovative design, the weight of the Q Ball is very low. While comparable products from other suppliers weigh between 100 – 200 kg, the Q-Ball is an absolute lightweight with just 25 – 50 kg. This particularly facilitates the handling during assembly, as well as the requirements for an installation on the systems in the truest sense of the word.