Green hydrogen utilization in lime kilns – Greenhouse gas savings and implications on the energy system
Due to climate targets and rising CO2 prices, the cement industry is obliged to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The utilization of green hydrogen in lime kilns is discussed as a promising way to reduce fossil fuels use and cut GHG emissions. This article gives some insight into the possible GHG reduction by utilizing green hydrogen and further discusses the results in a national perspective.
1 Introduction
Cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a constant struggle that all sectors and industries are facing nowadays. Many GHG abatement technologies are discussed for the application in the cement industry. Increasing the energy efficiency of the production facility must be the first part of cutting and avoiding GHG emissions. Nevertheless, there is a technical limit for the minimum energy consumption of processes. In order to reach a deep decarbonization of the processes the industry can on the one hand avoid greenhouse gas emissions or, on the other hand, use end of pipe...