Call for applications and nominations
In 2018 the Dres. Edith and Klaus Dyckerhoff-Stiftung will be presenting the 6th Klaus Dyckerhoff Prize. The prize is awarded for pioneering contributions to research on hydraulic binders, their applications or their manufacturing processes.
It honours individuals or research groups from European universities or European research institutes, who have recently published a prestigious scientific paper which
fundamentally broadens the knowledge on hydraulic binders,
clears the way for new applications of hydraulic binders, or
significantly improves manufacturing processes of hydraulic binders
The paper must have been published in 2016 or 2017 in an internationally recognised scientific journal, preferably peer-reviewed. Abstracts of conference talks are not admissible. The prize criteria include the paper’s originality, innovative power and methodological competence, as well as its expected impact on cement-based constructions, no matter what academic qualifications the authors/candidates have. A sum of € 30 000 has been allocated to this biennially awarded prize; the prize amount can be split at the discretion of the prize jury.
Nominations or applications should be made by 01.05.2018. The prize will probably be awarded at the 8th VDZ Congress in Duesseldorf/Germany from 26.09.-28.09.2018. For detailed information please see:
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