Aumund India: Trusted partner to leading cement manufacturers

ACC Limited is one of India’s leading manufacturers of cement and ready-mix concrete, with 17 cement production plants, 75 ready-mix concrete facilities, over 6700 employees and a countrywide network of dealers and sales offices. For the Jamul Plant Expansion Project (Line 2), Aumund India supplied via KHD a wide range of Aumund bucket elevators and pan conveyors in 2016, to increase the capacity of clinker production to almost 3 million t/a.  

Jamul Cement Works is in the Durg District of Chhattisgarh State, and it started cement production in 1965. Aumund India’s scope of supply for the recent plant expansion included six Aumund pan conveyors type KZB for clinker handling, with plate widths between 1200 mm and 2200 mm and centre distances ranging from 50 m to 195 m, two Aumund bucket elevators type BWD for the handling of raw mix, three bucket elevators type BWZ for raw meal, clinker and phosphorus with centre distances varying from 32 m up to 36 m, and six bucket elevators type BWG for raw meal and cement, one of which stands at a massive height of 160 m.

ACC, previously known as The Associated Cement Companies Limited, was formed in 1936 by the merger of ten individual cement companies. With its headquarters in Mumbai, ACC Limited became part of the Holcim Group in 2005, and since 2015 part of the merged LafargeHolcim Group. Over the years, ACC Limited has continually placed its trust in Aumund India, and to date there are over 200 Aumund machines in operation in ACC plants across India. These include 133 Aumund belt bucket elevators, 11 chain bucket elevators and 59 pan conveyors.

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