1 Introduction
Operating mining companies need to face today’s market challenges in both economic and ecologic ways. The cost-effective production combined with a sustainable extraction management in active and future mining can be supported by the combination of the methods presented in this article. Terrestrial Laserscanning (TLS) is based on the LiDAR method (Light Detection and Ranging) and is used (1) to display the morphology, (2) to get information about layer orientations, and (3) to discriminate rock types and hence, raw material classes. Then, 3D modelling is used to combine the data...
TEXT Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Schumann1, Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Arndt2, Dipl.-Geogr. Thomas Wiatr3, Prof. Dr. Annette E. Götz4, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoppe5 ↓
1 Bavarian Environment Agency, Department Economic Geology, Resources, Hof/Saale/Germany
2 Böhringer AG, Department GIS/Geology, Oberwil/Switzerland
3 RWTH-Aachen, Neotectonics and Natural Hazards, Aachen/Germany
4 Rhodes University, Department of Geology, Grahamstown/South Africa
5 Darmstadt Technical University, Institute for Applied Geosciences, Darmstadt/Germany