Information and development

Every month, ZKG INTERNATIONAL keeps its readers around the globe informed on current trends, technological innovations - including new binders and innovative fuel concepts – and the potentials of international markets. Our commitment to current and future growth markets is shown in our editions in the respective national ­languages: the ZKG RUSSIAN edition, for example, has just been published, the ZKG CHINESE and ZKG SOUTH AMERICA editions are nearing completion, and our INDIA Special is at the advanced planning stage. And these markets are indeed developing. The BRICS states held a summit meeting in late March 2012 to exchange information and opinions face-to-face on joint economic and social development. Where earlier initiatives have had more of a symbolic character, specific action which will advance the development of these countries is now to be taken. A development bank, and also concepts for urbanisation, for the eradication of poverty and for social development, each tailored to the individual countries, are under discussion. An important information event is also coming up in North America: the annual IEEE‑IAS/PCA Conference (, to be held this year in San Antonio, Texas/USA, in May and providing for the American cement industry an ideal forum for the interchange of information. Technical papers on all topics relevant to production, and an industrial exhibition featuring more than 130 exhibitors, are just two aspects which will make this one of the year’s great events in the industry. ZKG will be there, researching and reporting for you. Last but not least: We inform you about the contents of the current issue with our newsletter (registration at
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