VDZ and BDZ: Concentrating forces

Germany’s cement industry is concentrating its forces. The reform of joint institutions scheduled for this spring will also include organisational merging of the “Verein Deutscher Zementwerke” (German Cement Works Association, abbreviated: VDZ) and the “Bundesverband der Deutschen Zementindustrie” (Association of the German ­Cement Industry, abbreviated: BDZ) under the name “Verein Deutscher Zementwerke” (VDZ). “This merger gives us significantly more influence and reach”, commented CEO Dr. Martin Schneider (Fig.), who is to continue as head of the new organisation. The VDZ will remain domiciled in Düsseldorf, its president is Gerhard Hirth, CEO of Schwenk Zement KG. This new structure thus accords formal recognition to the co-existence and co-operation already long practised by the VDZ and BDZ, and will, in addition, concentrate significant resources. As Schneider added, the tried and proven cooperation with the “Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden” (German Building Materials ­Association, abbreviated: BBS) is also to be further intensified, strengthening representation of Germany’s cement industry in concert with the construction industry and a range of partners, including other energy-intensive sectors.

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