Turnkey modernisation project
Les Ciments de Bizerte/Tunisia contracted Polysius France to modernise and increase the output of a kiln line in Bizerte in order to boost its output from the present 2000 to 4000 t/d clinker. The turnkey order is focused on: converting the raw grinding plant and installing a roller mill for a raw meal output of 300–310 t/h, installing a modern rotary kiln and DOPOL preheater for a cement clinker output of 4000 t/d, replacing the planetary cooler with a POLYTRACK clinker cooler (Fig.), adapting the clinker conveying equipment to suit the new capacity, replacing the electrostatic precipitator with a bag filter, installing a POLCID system to replace the process control system for the plant sections crushing plant to cement grinding system. In order to minimise the necessary stoppages, entire component groups will be preassembled and then shifted into their final position.