Russian Mortar Days

The First Russian Mortar Days from 01.-02.12.2010 were a big success. It was organized by the Russian Association of Dry Mixtures Manufacturers (SPSSS), Moscow Technical University (MGSU) and The conference was entirely focussed upon drymix mortars. Over 160 delegates were present at the conference and the accompanying show (Fig.). In one and a half days, 22 lectures were held; 3 of them in the new format “Meisterklasse”, partially with product demonstrations (Wacker, Knauf and Stroymontasz chose this option). The event was simultaneously translated and broadcast live in the internet. Via direct data line, it could be seen in the networks of over 300 technical universities and colleges throughout Russia. published the Russian Mortar Yearbook 2011 as conference proceedings, it is available for purchase at and SPSSS.


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