KHD roller press technology for clinker grinding
Under a contract with Bilim Makina Insaat San., Turkey as general contractor, Humboldt Wedag GmbH received the order for engineering and equipment supply for a clinker grinding unit (Fig.). The new semi-finish grinding system, equipped with KHD roller press technology, will be erected at SANKO Bartin Cement´s new 3000 t/d cement production plant in Bartin in the Black Sea region of Turkey. A roller press/V-separator circuit will be installed in semi-finish mode in front of two ball mill systems with dynamic separators. KHD´s scope of supply includes as key components a roller press RPS 10-170/110, a V-separator VS 80/20 and four cyclones with a diameter of 2.8 m and system fan HKF 190/250. The semi-finish grinding system is designed for a capacity of 240 t/h with a fineness of 1200 cm²/g acc. to Blaine. Delivery is scheduled for the first half of 2011.