Polysius technology forums 2010

The worldwide demands on the operation of plants have become more and more complex. The demands on the qualification of the operating staff are also correspondingly complex . With their forums for the further training of the operating staff Polysius offer a service, which is to support the daily handling of plant components and to present the latest technologies and processes. There are still some vacancies for the following technology forums (held in German language):

– kiln technology, from 17th to 19th May 2010

– mill technology from 31st May to 3rd  June 2010 as well as

– process engineering from 14th to 17th June 2010.

Detailed information as well as online application forms for the technology forums (Polysius grant special conditions from the second participant of a company) can be found on the Polysius homepage at www.polysius.com, department companies/conferences, or are available directly from Mr. Hüser, Polysius AG, phone 02525-99-2861.


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