ProTex and Three E: The key to greater energy efficiency

Summary: Energy consumption is increasingly becoming a critical factor for competition and, from a business point of view, the pressure to test the efficiency of process equipment systems is growing. In addition to providing actual filtration, Intensiv-Filter has also taken on the task of increasing the energy efficiency of dust removal solutions. Although bag filters require relatively little energy compared to manufacturing processes, their energy efficiency has been continually improved. With the ProJet mega® series in ­offline and semi-offline mode, savings of 30  % on the operating costs of the filter have already been generated. A solution for reducing ­operating costs by a further 15  % is available now in conjunction with specially developed filter media.

1 Introduction

Before introducing the achievements of the new ProTex filter medium and the Three E (Enhanced Energy Efficiency) technology, this paper provides a little background to these new developments by taking a look at the path which led to the technology in use today.


1.1 The evolution of injector technologies

The first dust collectors were cleaned manually. This process was succeeded by the use of vibration, which in turn gave way to reverse air and finally to the development and establishment of compressed air cleaning systems (jet pulse cleaning). The change from reverse-air cleaning...

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