Special Fans

Our new On-line Special at the ZKG ­INTERNATIONAL homepage started in early March, with comprehensive information on high-­capacity and special fans for the cement, lime and gypsum industry. Solutions in the extremely important sectors of energy-efficiency and wear protection are discussed. Updates on ongoing projects and features on individual segments of fan technology are scheduled throughout the year. In the May issue of ZKG, for example, visitors will find comprehensive information and videos on fan flow simulation for optimization of operating parameters. Don’t miss it:


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Issue 03/2011

Online Special Fans at www.zkg.de

Find everything you need on industrial fans in our On-line Special at: www.zkg.de/fans . Starting soon, the new feature will focus – in English and German – on this diverse range of product groups...


Celebrating 111 years of ZKG Cement Lime Gypsum ...

... which is a really long time – but it would not have been possible without you, our readers, authors and partners! For this we would like to express our sincere thanks. We would also like to thank...


Special times – special service

Dear Readers, Many of our loyal subscribers and readers are currently in their home offices, but only receive our magazine at their office address. In order to still be able to read the current...

Issue 12/2012

Increased efficiency thanks to modern fan technology

Cement production using lime marl has been going on for over 100 years in the Ennigerloh HeidelbergCement AG works. Ongoing modernisation ensures a lasting, competitive building material production....


Professional information – indispensable: 111 years of ZKG Cement Lime Gypsum

The first issue of Zement magazine – the forerunner of today’s ZKG Cement Lime Gypsum – was published in 1911. This issue of ZKG is dedicated to this anniversary. Why celebrate 111 years? Well the...
