Technique for outside effect determination on concrete and cement composite microstructure in various stress-strain states
(22) 26.04.2023
(43) 20.11.2023
(57) The invention applies to construction and construction materials testing techniques. In other words, on microstructure disturbance assessment of cement composites and concrete that have been subjected to outside effects. Structures operation throughout service life is determined in design stage, taking into account long-term properties impact to the structures. Nevertheless, service life often differs from the anticipated, and resistance to the outside effects can be reduced. With the invention technique microstructure and condition of the structure is determined. Building material samples are impregnated and stored under constant conditions. Polished sections specimens are used for microstructure analysis and studied under scanning electron microscope. The technique describes steps for preparation of the polished section specimens as well as steps for image acquisition and analysis, which determines the effect of shortterm and long-term load on the microstructure and attributes it to the causal
relationships of the mechanical properties in the specific situation.
(71) Rigas Tehniska Universitate (LV)