Heidelberg Materials announces changes to the Managing Board

The Supervisory Board of Heidelberg Materials AG has taken the following decisions regarding the composition of and succession within the Managing Board:

The Group area Western & Southern Europe and the majority of Northern & Eastern Europe-Central Asia will be combined into the Group area Europe. Jon Morrish, currently responsible for Western & Southern Europe, will take on responsibility for this newly established Group area as of January 2024. Ernest Jelito, responsible for Northern & Eastern Europe-Central Asia and the Competence Center Cement, will retire on 31 December 2023. Hakan Gurdal, in charge of the Group Area Africa-Eastern Mediterranean Basin, will take on additional responsibilities for the countries Kazakhstan and Russia as of January 2024. The area will be renamed to Africa & Mediterranean-Western Asia (AMWA).

Roberto Callieri, General Manager Italy, will be promoted to the Heidelberg Materials Managing Board and take on responsibility for Asia within the Group area Asia-Pacific as of January 2024. He will take over from Kevin Gluskie whose term will end at the end of January 2024. As part of the change, René Aldach, Chief Financial Officer, will assume additional responsibility for Australia as of January 2024.

To embed deep technical expertise within the Managing Board and drive forward the company’s technical projects towards a net zero future, Axel Conrads, President of the Midwest Region in the U.S., will be promoted to the Heidelberg Materials Managing Board, taking on the new role of Chief Technical Officer as of February 2024. He will be responsible for all three global technical Competence Centers: Cement (CCC), Aggregates & Asphalt (CCA), and Readymix (CCR).

Roberto Callieri

Roberto Callieri studied electrical engineering at the University of Cagliari and financial management at the Bocconi University in Milan. He joined Italcementi in 1990, where he held several senior management positions in Puerto Rico, USA, Canada, Turkey, Thailand, Egypt, and Italy. Since 2016, he has been responsible as General Manager for Italy. On the Heidelberg Materials Managing Board, he will take on responsibility for Asia within the Group area Asia-Pacific as of January 2024. He is appointed to the Managing Board until December 2026.

Axel Conrads

Axel Conrads studied mining engineering at the universities TU Clausthal and RWTH Aachen, Germany. He joined Heidelberg Materials in 1999 and held several senior management positions in Germany, USA, Belgium, and Bulgaria. Since 2020, he has been responsible as President for the region Midwest in Indianapolis, USA. On the Heidelberg Materials Managing Board, he will take on the role of Chief Technical Officer as of February 2024. He is appointed until January 2027 and will be responsible for the global technical Competence Centers Cement, Aggregates & Asphalt, and Readymix.



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