Carbon Management: “Setting an important course for Germany as a business location”

KSpG and carbon management strategy

Dr. Dennis Rendschmidt, Managing Director of VDMA Power Systems, comments:

“The amendment to the Carbon Dioxide Storage Act and the key points of the Carbon Management Strategy are important course-setting measures for Germany as a business location. They will help to maintain the competitiveness and future viability of emissions-intensive industries in Germany and Europe.”

“The regulatory framework is the basis for the development and use of carbon management technologies in Germany. It is positive that the German government has recognized the potential of carbon management technologies as an important building block for achieving the climate targets. The technologies are ready for use and are already being used in some countries in Europe and beyond.”

“However, the key points can only be a first step. The German government must now promptly adopt the final carbon management strategy, initiate the associated amendments to laws and ordinances and ratify the London Protocol. All national and international directives and regulations must also be dovetailed and coordinated.”

“It is also important to swiftly establish a comprehensive CO2 infrastructure that is accessible to all stakeholders. This includes forward-looking planning and coordination across national borders and is essential for implementation.”

“We regret that the Carbon Management Strategy does not address the possibility of Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU). In addition to storage, the sustainable use of CO2 is an elementary building block for achieving climate targets and securing the demand for raw materials in Germany."



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