CapsolGo® for SCHWENK cement plants in Latvia and Lithuania
Schwenk signs contract with Capsol Technologies for the delivery of a CapsolGo - carbon capture pilot plant for the two cement plants in Brocēni Latvia and Akmenės Cementas in Lithuania. Feasibility studies for the use of Capsol and the associated Hot Potassium Carbonate (HPC) technology were already carried out at Schwenk Latvija‘s Brocēni site at the beginning of the year. Based on the experience gained, Schwenk has signed a contract for the use of a mobile pilot plant.
CapsolGo is an innovative, container-based pilot plant that is used to remove CO2 from the exhaust gases of industrial plants. The aim is to use the plant to collect important findings, data and information that will help to evaluate a possible tail-end solution for capturing CO2 from the cement production process and thus support the future selection of a suitable decarbonization solution for each site.
In addition to the project in Mergelstetten, in which an oxyfuel kiln is being built and tested as a process-integrated solution, Schwenk is now investing in another technology with Capsol, thereby setting another important cornerstone on the way to more sustainable cement production. The CapsolGo pilot plant will be used alternately at the Brocēni and Akmenė sites for one year from the fourth quarter of 2024.
CapsolGo is an innovative, container-based pilot plant from the company Capsol, which is used to efficiently remove CO2 from the exhaust gases of industrial plants. This system uses a method known as “hot potassium carbonate scrubbing”. In this process, a liquid chemical substance, in this case potassium carbonate, is sprayed into the CO2-containing exhaust gases to bind the CO2. The process is similar to amine scrubbing, but uses potassium carbonate instead of amines. As a so-called tail-end solution, CapsolGo offers companies the opportunity to test the Capsol technology to see whether it is also suitable for the CO2 exhaust gases from their own plants.