bayernets and Rohrdorfer investigate CO2 transport

The Federal Republic of Germany is aiming for climate neutrality by 2045 – the Free State of Bavaria already by 2040. From then on, cement plants may no longer emit CO2. The exclusive use of renewable energy sources such as hydrogen is not sufficient for this: Around two-thirds of a cement plant‘s CO2 emissions are caused by the process itself. That is why these emissions are also referred to as unavoidable.

In order to nevertheless achieve the goal of climate neutrality in the cement industry, the process-related CO2 emissions must be captured and transported to locations for material use or to permanent CO2 storage sites. To this end, bayernets and Rohrdorfer are conducting a feasibility study on a CO2 transport network that will connect the cement plant at the Rohrdorf site with potential CO2 users in the Bavarian chemical triangle of Burghausen. The possibility of connecting to underground storage facilities for intermediate CO2 storage and to a national, Germany-wide CO2 network is also being investigated.

bayernets and Rohrdorfer are convinced that a CO2 circular economy, in which CO2 sources are connected to sites for material use or to geological storage sites, must be established. Only in this way can climate neutrality also be achieved in economic sectors with unavoidable, process-related CO2 emissions. Such a circular economy requires a powerful and efficient pipeline infrastructure.

However, this is not solely a technological challenge. In order to remain an attractive industrial location in a climate-neutral future, cooperation between industry, infrastructure companies and politics as well as social acceptance are necessary.

Through this cooperation, bayernets and Rohrdorfer are making their contribution to the development of a CO2 circular economy and climate neutrality.


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